The liberals would like to claim that conservative web sites don’t report news, but that’s not true at all. We have here at the MRC. Right now, it’s more like the Biden-friendly news outlets are doing more publicity than hard-charging investigative reporting. Their friends are in power.
On the latest NewsBusters Podcast. Washington Free Beacon executive editor Brent Scher explains how they report many stories the leftist press won’t. An inspector general at the IRS just declared after an investigation that audits of FBI director Jim Comey and his underling Andrew McCabe were random and found no evidence of malfeasance by Trump or Trump-appointed officials. That flies in the face of hot-and-heavy conspiracy theorizing by The New York Times and others when the audits were first reported.
There are some other fascinating Free Beacon stories right now:
— Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) was named the new head of the Congressional Black Caucus despite a long-running affair with an intern that began when she was 21. Horsford was narrowly re-elected as his wife tweeted bitterly about how terrible he was.
— The Atlantic is trying to tell people that Ron DeSantis is stiff and awkward around people, even though he’s been elected governor twice, and this time by an impressive margin.
— MSNBC’s Morning Joe discussed anti-Semitism by turning to Rev. Al Sharpton, who has a lot of anti-Semitism on his resume. Did you know Congressman Joe Scarborough sponsored a resolution in 2000 denouncing Sharpton’s anti-Semitic fulminations?
— Time magazine is raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars from China’s communist dictatorship for pages of “China Daily” fake news in the magazine….while Time’s owner has made business deals in China.
We also discuss how “fact checkers” attacked them for an accurate story in February that the Biden administration was paying millions for “harm reduction kits” that included crack pipes for drug addicts.
Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
The liberals would like to claim that conservative web sites don’t report news, but that’s not true at all. We have here at the MRC. Right now, it’s more like the Biden-friendly news outlets are doing more publicity than hard-charging investigative reporting. Their friends are in power.
On the latest NewsBusters Podcast. Washington Free Beacon executive editor Brent Scher explains how they report many stories the leftist press won’t. An inspector general at the IRS just declared after an investigation that audits of FBI director Jim Comey and his underling Andrew McCabe were random and found no evidence of malfeasance by Trump or Trump-appointed officials. That flies in the face of hot-and-heavy conspiracy theorizing by The New York Times and others when the audits were first reported.
There are some other fascinating Free Beacon stories right now:
— Rep. Steven Horsford (D-Nev.) was named the new head of the Congressional Black Caucus despite a long-running affair with an intern that began when she was 21. Horsford was narrowly re-elected as his wife tweeted bitterly about how terrible he was.
— The Atlantic is trying to tell people that Ron DeSantis is stiff and awkward around people, even though he’s been elected governor twice, and this time by an impressive margin.
— MSNBC’s Morning Joe discussed anti-Semitism by turning to Rev. Al Sharpton, who has a lot of anti-Semitism on his resume. Did you know Congressman Joe Scarborough sponsored a resolution in 2000 denouncing Sharpton’s anti-Semitic fulminations?
— Time magazine is raking in hundreds of thousands of dollars from China’s communist dictatorship for pages of “China Daily” fake news in the magazine….while Time’s owner has made business deals in China.
We also discuss how “fact checkers” attacked them for an accurate story in February that the Biden administration was paying millions for “harm reduction kits” that included crack pipes for drug addicts.
Enjoy the podcast below, or wherever you listen to podcasts.