Red state

No, Biden’s Not Stuttering—but Could His Bizarre Speech Pattern Be Something Known As ‘Cluttering?’ – RedState

I’m not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. However, when you see a bloody person screaming on the ground with their limb bent at an awkward angle, you don’t need an MD to tell you that the person is injured. 

Similarly, I don’t need White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, former President Barack Obama, or Biden’s campaign staff interpreting things for me when I can see them quite clearly by myself. Their latest gambit: when Biden “freezes,” as he is wont to do as of late, what you’re seeing isn’t actually reality—it’s a “cheap fake.”

“It never happened”

What You Just Saw Didn’t Happen: Obama, White House Deny That Biden Froze at H’Wood Fundraiser Saturday

Karine Jean-Pierre Responds to Videos of Biden Being Senile, and Her Explanation Is Astonishing

We see enough Biden statements, speeches, and utterances, however, to know that it doesn’t matter if…

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