Hot Air

No More Dough Until No More Joe – HotAir

The calls for Joe Biden to step aside from prominent Democratic leaders and some liberal media outlets have quieted a bit in the face of the president’s continued refusal to exit stage left. But that doesn’t mean that Scranton Joe has sealed the deal with everyone on the left. One group that Biden will desperately need is comprised of all of those big-money donors and bundlers that have continued to pump life into his campaign. One source inside of his campaign who recently spoke to the Washington Post said that most of them are still insisting on a replacement at the top of the ticket if there is any hope of beating Donald Trump. The catchphrase in this movement continues to be, “No more dough until no more Joe.” It’s a catchy slogan, but it certainly won’t be music to Biden’s ears. (NY Post)

Big money Democratic donors started to withhold cash from the Biden campaign with the…

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