News Busters

‘Nothing Serious’ About Harris-Ruhle Interview

On Thursday morning, MRC founder and president Brent Bozell laid into the latest softball-laden Harris interview while appearing on FBN’s Varney and Co.

The show’s titular host, Stuart Varney, began with a clip of President Biden’s cozy Wednesday appearance on ABC’s The View. “Softball questions, no serious questions, no follow-ups — but does it work with voters?” he inquired.

Bozell led off with a nonsensical quote from co-host Whoopi Goldberg to Biden: “You stepped up to lead us out of a dark and very divisive era, and became one of the most substantial Presidents in the past half-century.”

“That wasn’t a question, that was a statement,” Bozell argued, adding: “The day my children put me in an old folks home, and they tell me that I’ve got to be put away, they’re going to be just as nice to me. And this is really what’s…

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