Hot Air

Nothing to See Here, Just a Man of the People Hangin’ With the Soroses – HotAir

Who in the world thought this would make a great photo op for Tim Walz?

Besides Donald Trump, that is?

Frankly, I’m surprised this is still up after a few hours. Twitchy picked up Alex Soros’ weird photo op overnight, and I’d expect this to get sucked into the Democrat Memory Hole sometime today. In the meantime, have a great look at the Man Of The People hangin’ with the Soroses:

In fact, I’m so convinced that this will go down the digital drain that I have screen-capped it, just in case. You never know. If you’re inclined to offer your own response on Twitter/X, I’d suggest doing so quickly. 

It’s still up for now, though, and the tweet is getting ratioed pretty hard. It has over 2700 likes but almost twice as many replies. Even a few notables…

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