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NPR’s Biased Report Fuels Renewed Call to Reevaluate Funding

A conservative president or Congress that does not defund public broadcasting does not understand what the moment requires—or, in the parlance of the day, they don’t know what time it is.

Across the board, government must stop funding services set up with taxpayer money ostensibly to serve all Americans, but which cater only to one side.

NPR is a prime example of this asymmetry. And because of its visibility, it’s a good candidate for the first symbolic act of resolve by new leadership.

At this point, NPR doesn’t even try to show good faith. It expects conservative leaders to lack the backbone to take away the government teat—and sadly, this assumption is usually correct. NPR, therefore, feels free to act brazenly as the imperial tribune of the permanent bureaucracy, amplifying the woke mindset of bicoastal elites.

NPR presents these views as…

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