Hot Air

Nuclear for We and Not for Thee, Peasants – HotAir

If you ever – EH-VAH – harbored any lingering doubts in your tenderhearted soul that we live in a “them and us” world of a globalist elite cabal and everyone else, I am going to dispel that illusion once and for all for you.

Well, okay. Actually, I’M not going to – the cabal is going to do it for me. I’m merely going to line up the “them” and the “us” pictures to clarify and crystalize where the dividing lines are.

Back towards the end of September, I told you about what seemed to be a momentous announcement on the nuclear energy front – the rejuvenation and restart of the legendary Three Mile Island nuclear plant. It sounded like a real boon for the troubled East Coast energy grid thanks to short-sighted, climate cult governors and utility boards hurtling towards the energy impoverishment of their citizens. They are facing certain and self-imposed disasters all in the service of…

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