Another sign o’ the times a’ changin’ is happening. As technology rockets into the ‘gulping electricity stage’ and away from the ‘touchy-feely Gaia friendly’ pose they used to be able to pull off (until their power needs overcame their #feelz), we are seeing more and more couplings that, once upon a time, would have been unthinkable.
Utility companies and the methods they used to generate power were the natural enemies of the ‘do no evil’ set.
Until, of course, that techy set needed reliable power sources for providing buttloads of power.
One such case I’ve touched on before is the proposed rebooting of the legendary Three Mile Island nuclear power plant. The downside is, as shaky as electrical generation is on the East Coast thanks to bull-headed, climate cultist Democratic governors shutting down natgas and coal-fired power plants before they even had…