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NY Times Publishes Op-Ed By Hamas Mayor Of Gaza, Gets Blasted

The New York Times, which has repeatedly sounded the alarm about the publishing of misinformation, was harshly criticized for publishing an op-ed from the mayor of Gaza City, who was appointed by Hamas in 2019.

Unwittingly or not in his attempt to claim that Israel had destroyed Gazans’ lives and culture, Mayor Yahya R. Sarraj gave the lie to the constant claim from Palestinian supporters that Gaza had been an “open-air prison” before the Israeli response to Hamas’ massacre of 1,200 Israelis on October 7.

“As a teenager in the 1980s, I watched the construction of the intricately designed Rashad al-Shawa Cultural Center in Gaza City, named after one of Gaza’s greatest public figures, and its theater, grand hall, public library, printing press and cultural salon, Sarraj wrote, also mentioning its “iconic symbols, its beautiful seafront, its libraries and archives” as well…

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