News Busters

NY Times Sets Up Scary Israel Lobby Against Plucky Pro-Hamas ‘Ceasefire’ Pushers

Saturday’s New York Times featured an absurd piece of anti-Israel, pro-ceasefire propaganda, headlined “As Gaza Death Toll Mounts, Groups Urging Israel-Hamas Cease-Fire Are Outmatched,” by Kate Kelly, who covers “money, policy and influence” for the paper.

Kelly set up The Friends Committee, part of “Washington’s peace lobby,” as a plucky little underdog against AIPAC, much like the left tries to make terrorist Hamas sympathetic against big bad Israel, which was the actual victim. She dutifully forwarded the group’s propaganda.

Amazingly, nowhere in her call for unilateral ceasefire, which would benefit Hamas, was mentioned the major ceasefire sticking point: The hundred or so Israeli hostages still held by Hamas.

When the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, the most influential pro-Israel group in the United States, wants to use…

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