News Busters

NYT Runs 3,984-Word Eulogy Decrying Death of Gov’t-Big Tech Collusion

The Old Gray Lady continues to behave like a Karen triggered by people’s ability to express their opinions about elections freely online. Darn that pesky free speech!

The New York Times effectively wrote what amounted to a 3,984-word eulogy for the death of the dystopian thought police. The Times mourned that former President Donald Trump’s “Allies Are Winning the War Over Disinformation.” The newspaper — acting like a speech gatekeeper — bemoaned that Trump and free speech absolutists “have successfully stymied the effort to filter election lies online.” But the same outlet that’s whining about “disinformation” and “election lies” is the one that uses its own platform to gaslight struggling Americans on how President Joe Biden’s inflation-rattled economy “looks sunny.” But who’s keeping track, right? 

The disgruntled…

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