Red state

Ohio Governor Mike DeWine Thinks Haitian Migrants Are a Good Deal for Springfield – RedState

Few American small towns have leapt into a presidential campaign in the way that Springfield, OH, has dominated the last month of the 2024 campaign. Springfield is a small, downwardly mobile town of 59,000 people in southwestern Ohio. In the last couple of years, its had an icing of 15,000 Haitian migrants applied who are only legal because of some immigration legerdemain on the part of the Biden-Harris White House that doesn’t pass the smell test and probably won’t survive an encounter with the federal courts.

Earlier in the month, Haitians-eating-cats spawned a burst of creativity among meme producers that hasn’t been experienced by the internet in four years. But it was former President Trump who tossed this flaming paper sack of poo on the national consciousness during his debate with Kamala Harris and two ABC employees.

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