Hot Air

Ohio May Pay Students to Not Skip School – HotAir

Ohio has been dealing with a chronic problem in its public schools known as chronic absenteeism or truancy. That’s defined as a situation where students are missing more than ten percent of school days over a prolonged period. They were already dealing with this issue prior to the pandemic, but since then it’s gotten considerably worse, with an average of more than 30 percent of students failing to meet the 90% attendance rate. Now the legislature is proposing a novel solution, They are launching a pilot program where some students would be paid to attend school more often. Students meeting the benchmark will receive $25 every two weeks for good attendance, with larger bonuses on a monthly and semester basis, with an additional bonus for graduating high school. But is this really a sensible approach? (NY Post)

Students as young as five could get paid to show up to class under…

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