Red state

Ohio Newspaper Ripped to Shreds After Dramatic Escalation of Twisted ‘Trump Asked for It’ Blame Game – RedState

Though pretty much nothing the mainstream media does shocks me anymore, I still can’t help but be amazed sometimes at the sheer brazenness of some of the things they treat as news, the way more serious stories are either downplayed or framed, and how they make zero apologies for it – even after being called out.

Case in point, the sickening “it’s Trump’s fault” narrative they’ve shamelessly spun in the aftermath of the second assassination attempt on GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump’s life in two months. 

For instance, some outlets declared Sunday it was Trump and not Democrats who should be calling for the rhetoric to be dialed down after the second attempt on his life, reportedly at the hands of a crazed left-winger. Perhaps most audacious was the “report” from NBC News anchor Lester Holt, who said “Today’s apparent assassination attempt comes amid increasingly fierce…

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