Hot Air

Okay, 85% of Migrants Are Being Released – HotAir

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has spent much of the past three years going in front of the cameras and lying to the American people about how the southern border is “closed” or “secure” and that none of you should believe your own lying eyes. For reasons that are not yet clear, however, Mayorkas let the mask slip fully recently. During a meeting with Border agents in Texas, he admitted that upwards of 85% of the illegal migrants encountered at the border are released into the interior of the country with only a comparative handful being expelled. Mayorkas had previously given an interview to Fox News where he said that it would “not surprise me at all” if the number being released was 70%. But the men and women working on the border knew that the number was much higher and they wanted a straight answer. (NY Post)

The Department of Homeland Security admitted “above…

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