News Busters

Oliver Freaks Civil Service Reform Will Lead Trump To Be Like George Wallace

The Rube Goldberg-like logic train that sits inside of John Oliver’s brain was on full display on Sunday’s Last Week Tonight on HBO, where he warned that former President Donald Trump and the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025’s plans for civil service reform could lead to the former governing like segregationist Gov. George Wallace.

Project 2025 styles itself as the blueprint for the governing agenda for a second Trump term and is an 887-page doorstopper that has become the boogeyman for liberals trying to scaremonger about a second Trump term. However, it’s mostly basic conservatism. Regardless, Oliver focused on one specific part:

I do get that ‘Trump unraveling civil service protections’ isn’t the sexiest headline, but it’s also the action that could unlock his ability to do all the incredibly damaging things that he and those involved in…

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