News Busters

OpenAI Partners with Liberal Politico and Insider to Prioritize Content

Get your tuxedo ready! One of the fastest-growing artificial intelligence companies has officially tied the knot with notoriously leftist legacy media to prop up its content in chatbot responses.

OpenAI, the infamous parent company of ChatGPT, signed a deal on Tuesday with global leftist media company Axel Springer, the publisher of Politico, Business Insider and European properties BILD and WELT, to prioritize the publications’ content in search prompts. Dubbed a “first-of-its-kind” by the companies, the deal means that OpenAI will use as part of its datasets a trove of legacy media content to shove down the throats of anyone who uses the AI chatbot.

The deal announcement comes on the heels of numerous reports and studies accusing ChatGPT of blindly spewing leftist propaganda. Notably, OpenAI has been mired with criticism that it could be weaponized…

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