I’m going there.
The 81Mlol vegetable-brained pretender occupying the White House maybe three days a week – physically but not mentally – has never been a ‘nice’ person. Joe Biden has always been a vicious, self-serving, bombastic, mendacious government leech. One who brought his extended family of succubi with him every step of the way to ensure that the power inherent in each position voters were foolish enough to entrust to the ‘Middle-Class Joe’ was amplified and exploited in the circles he traveled and used for maximum family financial gain.
His progeny, with the exception of the one-year-old daughter tragically lost in the wreck that also killed his first wife, have hewed close to the withered potato vine they sprouted from and, in at least two cases, emerged with fragile mental psyches that seem barely to have survived as civilized humans.