Hot Air

Out of Control: Stealing…Palmetto Berries – HotAir

I’d say it was “Florida Man Friday,” but although the criminals were from South Florida, this happened just over the border past the Floribama – Gulf Shores, Alabama.

We got kind of a chuckle out of it after a sincere “VURT DA FURK?”

And it certainly goes to show the enterprising criminal nature of some of our visitors. They will find a way to steal and sell things we simple Redneck Riviera residents were wholly unaware were worth a damn thing at all, and illegal to harvest to boot!

Everyone in these parts has always thought palmettos were native annoyances that pop up willy-nilly in the backyard – scrappy, ratty, pain-in-the-butt, potentially painful, tough-as-nuts shrubberies. Partially because of them, I have always had a soft spot in my heart for the first Spanish explorers who slogged through our swamps here on the Panhandle.

Lord, it had to be God-awful. Those wool uniforms and…

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