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Pacific Palisade Reservoir Was Empty When Fire Broke Out, Fire Chief Says City Failed – HotAir

I predicted this would happen and here we are. Today we’re getting more information about why fire hydrants in LA County ran dry and it turns out there was a human error factor here because the reservoir that holds millions of gallons of water in Pacific Palisades was recently closed for repairs and was empty when fire broke out this week.

An important reservoir that helps supply water in Pacific Palisades was offline at the time the fires began, officials said Friday, and that shutdown may have contributed to firefighters losing water so early in their fight against the blaze.

The Santa Ynez Reservoir sits within the Palisades and can hold millions of gallons of water. Records show it was recently set to undergo maintenance to the reservoir’s cover.

Ellen Cheng, a spokeswoman for the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power, said in a statement on Friday…

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