News Busters

Paterson, NJ – The Town That Claims To Be ‘Capital of Palestine’

When you think of the Holy Land, typically holy things come to mind. It’s a land greater than humanity itself…. the birthplace of civilization. You likely wouldn’t think of Paterson, New Jersey, a Democrat-turned dump.

Let’s just say… that’s a different kind of hole. 

But its Jihad-loving mayor places Paterson right up there with Jerusalem, Mecca and Medina! In fact, he claims it’s the capital of the mythical nation, “Palestine,” a territory governed by Islamic terrorists.

There is no clearer omen of a free society’s downfall when its leaders go from wiping its founders from every building facade and statue, to renaming their city after our foreign enemies, all to pander to a voting block of foreigners who pledge allegiance to those enemies.

On this episode of “Woke of the…

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