News Busters

PBS and NPR Trashed the Trump Speech

PBS and NPR know that Trump, Musk, and the Republicans are looking at defunding them, but they inevitably covered Trump’s speech to Congress with their usual anti-Trump tilt.

PBS made one surprising move by inviting former Trump aide Tiffany Smiley on the live broadcast to offer an outnumbered pro-Trump opinion. But the rest was a predictable protest parade:

— Jonathan Capehart twice used the term “festival of meanness” to describe Trump’s speech, and Lisa Desjardins also cited Capehart’s description once. Capehart: “I’m just sort of blown away by the notion that Democrats border on the line of fearmongering, when we just listened to an hour or 45 minutes of fearmongering from the president of the United States.”

— Highly biased White House correspondent Laura Barron-Lopez was sour throughout, both pre-and-post-speech. Before the speech,…

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