News Busters

PBS Host Christiane Amanpour Criticized for Bias in Ta-Nehisi Coates Interview

Given her post-October 6 reporting, it’s no surprise that PBS/CNN host Christian Amanpour manages little sympathy for Israel’s two-front fight against Islamic terrorists of Hamas and Hezbollah, but her introduction to Friday’s Amanpour & Co. (PBS) interview of left-wing darling Ta-Nehisi Coates discussing his ignorant anti-Israel book was still a bit much.

Host Christiane Amanpour: ….our next guest says that he must confront the truth no matter how difficult. The award-winning journalist, Ta-Nehisi Coates, is doing exactly that in his new book, The Message, in which he journeys to Senegal, Israel, and the occupied West Bank. And he’s joining Michel Martin to discuss what he found.

Michel Martin, Contributor: In story, I guess, as you were — as you would say, in story, they were embodied in story and that story kind of infiltrated you in ways that you…

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