Your tax dollars at work — to laud violent Marxism and a cop killer for Black History Month.
PBS News Weekend on Sunday devoted its semi-weekly “Hidden Histories” segment to praise the militant Marxist-black power group the Black Panther Party, founded by Huey Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland.
How is this “Hidden Histories”? PBS (and the rest of the media) have lionized the Black Panthers for decades.
Via voice-over, Yang proved an encapsulated history of the Black Panther Party, admitting “Their 10-point program leaned heavily on Marxism. They saw black American struggles as part of a global liberation movement.” Fact check: Marxism is not about “liberation.” It’s about dictatorship.
Yang soft-pedaled the Panther’s radicalism, gushing over “free food, especially breakfast for schoolchildren, free health care, and voter registration drives” and clashes with J. Edgar…