News Busters

PBS/NPR Use Their Money to Lobby for More of Your Money

If you want to defund PBS and NPR, it’s an unfair fight. Public broadcasting uses all its own resources – including its taxpayer subsidies – to lobby for more taxpayer money. NPR station WBEZ in Chicago – which also owns theas s newspaper – sent an email titled “Stand up for public media — your voice matters.”

The graphic inside proclaimed “PROTECT FREEDOM OF THE PRESS: Support public media.”

How is being forced to fund liberal opinions opposed to yours defined as “freedom of the press”?


One of our foremost messages at NewsBusters is conservatives also represent freedom of the press. Conservatives are also journalists, including those engaged in media criticism. “Public media” defines themselves as providers of “fact-based” information and seek to avoid conservative counterpoints, or as they put it, “excluding the voices that are…

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