News Busters

PBS Pounces as ACLU Sues Trump Over Gender-Affirming Care Order for Minors

The filing of a lawsuit by the litigious, now wholly left-wing American Civil Liberties Union isn’t exactly a stop-the-presses moment, but Tuesday night’s edition of the PBS News Hour treated it as such.

Co-host Amna Nawaz set up the show’s most liberal correspondent, Laura Barron-Lopez, in support of the same “gender-affirming care” misnomer PBS has used in its previous excessive coverage of so-called transgender minors. Nawaz sounded impressed by the ACLU’s wording

Amna Nawaz: Today, the American Civil Liberties Union sued the Trump administration over the president’s executive order targeting gender-affirming care for minors. The lawsuit says Trump’s actions, quote, “unconstitutionally usurp congressional authority by withholding lawfully appropriated federal funds” and violate the rights of trans youth by, quote, “depriving them of…

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