Hot Air

People Can Speak Their Minds on Facebook! – HotAir

It never ceases to amaze me how many people who make their living in the First Amendment sphere fail to understand what free speech means. Or perhaps more accurately, who just simply reject it — while hailing themselves as its heroes.

Today’s case in point comes to us from Axios, where the decision by Mark Zuckerberg to allow people to speak their minds has caused a freak-out. They use the hoary media device of “some experts” to shriek about how opinions on social media will mean PEOPLE GONNA DIE, or something:

Under Meta’s newly relaxed moderation policies, women can be compared to household objects, ethnic groups can be called “filth,” users can call for the exclusion of gay people from certain professions and people can refer to a transgender or non-binary person as an “it.”

Why it matters: Meta’s move to do away with third-party fact checkers made…

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