Red state

People Have a Lot of Questions About Report That Jill Biden’s Signature Is on Legislation Folders – RedState

X was all atwitter on Friday with the question of what Jill Biden was doing at a cabinet meeting.

Joe Biden hasn’t held one in 11 months, as he’s abdicated his responsibilities. At the start of his meeting on Friday he introduced Jill, and then she did all of the talking about the White House Women’s Health initiative. She didn’t speak for very long, but she walked through some of the initiatives that they are taking — things that you would think Joe normally would be outlining for the cabinet. You can check out the full comments here. 

READ MORE:  Questions Abound After Jill Biden Takes Over Cabinet Meeting for a Visibly Tired Joe Biden

That has a lot of people wondering what was going on, and talking about Edith Wilson. 

Here’s the end of what she said. I have a lot of thoughts about the look of this: 

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