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Pete Buttigieg is just a symptom of a vastly larger crisis

It is, perhaps, somewhat ironic that we tackle this subject on Labor Day, an occasion when we ostensibly celebrate those who exert themselves and labor to keep the economic machine of our capitalist democracy grinding onward, allowing citizens to contribute to the general advancement of the country while working toward what was historically considered “the American dream.” Those who toil, raise families, build careers, and hope to pass something on to the next generation were traditionally revered. That lifestyle has always included goals that involved eventual home ownership, but we also developed a culture where personal transportation and mobility were critical, leading to a culture where personal car ownership was among those objectives. But now everything has changed. And there is no better example of this than our supposed Transportation Secretary, Pete Buttigieg, adopting a position where Americans should be ushered away from owning their own cars, be they gas-driven or even electric. Everyone should be using public transportation as much as possible. Well… not “everyone,” of course. But most certainly you. (Townhall)Read More 

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