Red state

Pistol-Packin’ Rabbi Aims to Arm, Train Jewish Community – RedState

When he was teaching me to shoot, the Old Man used to caution against relying overly much on mechanical safeties on a gun. “Remember,” he told me, “The only safety you can always rely on is the one between your ears.” Some years later, when I left my rather idyllic and peaceful northeast Iowa home and started living in locales with higher crime rates, I discovered a corollary to that rule; “Don’t rely overly much on law enforcement or civil authorities. The only hands that you should rely on to provide security for yourself, your family, and your community, are your own.”

Rabbi Yossi Eilfort has taken that same maxim to heart.

Gun ownership in California’s Jewish community is spiking as Jews take self-defense into their own hands while the war in Israel continues raging, according to a rabbi who trains the community on gun safety. 

“Magen Am’s mission is to train and empower the…

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