News Busters

Politico Cartoonist Worries About Ethnic Perils in Caricaturing Kamala

Politico cartoonist Matt Wuerker has a big problem …at least in his own mind. How to caricature Kamala Harris without appearing to be racist. The funny thing is that this obsession seems to have been shared with none of the other cartoonists that Wuerker contacted on this topic on Sunday in  “‘It’s a Minefield’: Top Political Cartoonists on the Challenges of Caricaturing Kamala Harris.”

“It’s a minefield?” Apparently only in the very very concerned mind of Matt Wuerker since that headline quote comes from …Wuerker. Let us now join Wuerker rubbing his caricaturist worry beads:

When a new, potentially presidential face arrives on the scene, a fierce debate ensues among the cartoonists. What are the features that stand out? How far can we tug on those ears? Lampoon a nose? Mock the haircut? What about the clothes and the body language? Is the…

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