News Busters

PolitiFact Founder Claims Lying Has ‘Become a Culture’ For GOP

If journalism professor and PolitiFact founder Bill Adair meant to increase faith in the fact-checking industry with his appearance on Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, he failed miserably. Adair told host Jon Stewart on Monday that the reason why Republicans get fact-checked more is because “lying… has just become a culture” in conservative circles.

Holding up a copy of Adair’s book, Stewart declared, “You’ve taken criticism because you fact-check more people on the right, or you say they lie more… I mean, it’s in here; there’s a statistical analysis.”



Adair replied, “What I did for the book was look at fact-checks by PolitiFact and by the Washington Post fact-checker and then talk to — I think the most revealing thing was when I talked to Republican politicians and said, ‘Why does your party lie more?’ And it was really…

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