There is no particular reason to think that a gay, lesbian, black, brown, or any other “diverse” person (I hate that “diverse” can describe a person rather than a group!) couldn’t make an excellent fire chief.
But you can be 100% certain that if “diversity” is a major or the primary reason for hiring somebody, the person hired will be unlikely to be the best choice. It’s simple: you restrict the applicant pool, and your choices diminish, and with a diminished pool the likelihood you will find excellence diminishes.
DEI ruins every agency and institution it touches.
— Helen Raleigh (@HRaleighspeaks) January 8, 2025
Not to mention that it is both immoral and illegal to prioritize such things.
Los Angeles recently appointed its very 1st female, LGBTQ+ fire chief with the goal of recruiting more women & gay firefighters
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