Do you recall that supposedly autonomous “CHOP” zone (originally “CHAZ) that was set up in Seattle at the height of the BLM riots? That turned out to be an unmitigated disaster in many ways. Unfortunately, when the socialists come up with a bad idea that appears to work, even for a little while, others take notice and begin to imitate them. That appears to be what’s happening in Zuccotti Park in New York City this week. But instead of Black Lives Matter activists, this one is being organized by a curious combination of pro-Hamas antisemites and transgender activists. The usual trappings are already on display, with signs warning the police to stay away. At Townhall, Katie Pavlich has the details.
A new “autonomous zone” has been set up by left wing activists in New York City. This time on behalf of the Palestinian-Hamas movement in Zucotti Park.
The zone, which commandeers…