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Professor Teaches Students About Evil by Having Them Read Writings of Hitler’s Chief Propagandist – RedState

A professor at the University of Austin ingeniously teaches students about “good and evil” by having them read the writings of some of the 20th century’s most evil people, including Adolf Hitler’s chief propagandist, Joseph Goebbels.

Spoiler: I think it’s absolutely brilliant.

Professor Marietta, who says Goebbels used “emotional appeal” to lure people to evil, also includes the writings of Karl Marx, Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, and other bad guys in his course. 

In the course, which just began its first semester, students are “challenged to confront difficult concepts, including the ideologies that led to deaths of millions in the 20th century.” Is it too obvious to point out that the “evils” of Donald Trump (AKA “Hitler”), as spewed by the Democrat Party and left-wing media, pale in comparison?

Marietta shared additional information about the non-credit course in a…

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