Hot Air

Progressives Organize Against Biden in GA Primary, Warnock’s Church Welcomes Protesters – HotAir

Georgia progressives are encouraging voters in Georgia’s primary to send President Biden a message. The idea is for primary voters to leave their ballots blank in the presidential primary. 

The Georgia primary is held on Tuesday, March 12, one week after Super Tuesday.

Progressives are angry with President Biden’s actions during the Israel-Hamas war. Georgia doesn’t have an uncommitted option on its ballots as Michigan does. Instead, Georgia voters can register their complaints against Biden by casting a blank ballot. 

In the Michigan primary, about one in eight Democrat voters checked off the uncommitted option against Biden. That was enough to cause heads to turn. Will Georgia progressives find that kind of support for their leave-it-blank initiative? 

This kind of action was taken during the U.S. Senate runoff in 2022. Republicans who were unwilling to cast a vote for Republican…

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