Projection, Thy Name Is Obama – HotAir
Hot Air

Projection, Thy Name Is Obama – HotAir

Barack Obama is the archetype of the overeducated leftist Democratic Party. 

Smart, good-looking, well-educated, and smugly sure of himself, he perfectly reflects the self-impression of the academic and cultural elite wing of the progressive movement. He is of the antia-justifying wing, who cluck about the excessive enthusiasm of the brownshirts but who also kneel and applaud as they burn down our cities in the name of Justice. 

Obama’s great skill is slyly insulting Americans as racist boobs while sounding good and reasonable while doing it. It flatters the cultural elite, reinforcing their sense of self-importance and moral superiority, and reinforces their contempt for the masses.

Another of his skills is the rhetorical jiu-jitsu move of accusing Republicans of doing what Democrats do all day and every day.

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