News Busters

Proto-Liz Warren: Celebrated Indian Victim Wasn’t

American culture has bizarrely moved so far away from MLK’s dream that people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. 

This trend has been going on for decades. An example is actress and activist Sacheen Littlefeather (born Sacheen Cruz). In a political stunt, the Apache accepted Marlon Brando’s Best Actor Award at the 1973 Oscars. She lectured the assembled stars about history and their portrayals of Indians. Hollywood not being as woke back then, she was booed and supposedly black-balled from the industry.

Earlier this year, the Motion Picture Academy formally apologized to her for what The Hollywood Reporter called “harassment and discrimination.” It was a fitting and noble gesture, and Littlefeather died not long after.

Except her name wasn’t Littlefeather. She wasn’t Apache. She wasn’t any kind of American Indian at all.

She was Mexican-American but pretended to be Native American. Her sister, Trudy Orlandi, explained, “You’re not going to be a Mexican American princess. You’re going to be an American Indian princess. It was more prestigious to be an American Indian than it was to be Hispanic in her mind.”

So in the left’s Oppression Sweepstakes, American Indians were better than Mexicans at the time. 

Her other sister, Rosalind Cruz said, “Sacheen did not like herself. She didn’t like being Mexican. So, yes, it was better for her that way to play someone else … The best way that I could think of summing up my sister is that she created a fantasy … She lived in a fantasy, and she died in a fantasy.”

It makes sense that people who do not like themselves pretend to be someone else. Especially pretending to be someone who is supposedly more oppressed. It can be a good career move, too. Ask Elizabeth Warren and Rachel Dolezal.

Sacheen Cruz spent 50 years wallowing in someone else’s victimhood, and the Academy eventually rewarded her for it. Pathetic.

American culture has bizarrely moved so far away from MLK’s dream that people would be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin. 

This trend has been going on for decades. An example is actress and activist Sacheen Littlefeather (born Sacheen Cruz). In a political stunt, the Apache accepted Marlon Brando’s Best Actor Award at the 1973 Oscars. She lectured the assembled stars about history and their portrayals of Indians. Hollywood not being as woke back then, she was booed and supposedly black-balled from the industry.

Earlier this year, the Motion Picture Academy formally apologized to her for what The Hollywood Reporter called “harassment and discrimination.” It was a fitting and noble gesture, and Littlefeather died not long after.

Except her name wasn’t Littlefeather. She wasn’t Apache. She wasn’t any kind of American Indian at all.

She was Mexican-American but pretended to be Native American. Her sister, Trudy Orlandi, explained, “You’re not going to be a Mexican American princess. You’re going to be an American Indian princess. It was more prestigious to be an American Indian than it was to be Hispanic in her mind.”

So in the left’s Oppression Sweepstakes, American Indians were better than Mexicans at the time. 

Her other sister, Rosalind Cruz said, “Sacheen did not like herself. She didn’t like being Mexican. So, yes, it was better for her that way to play someone else … The best way that I could think of summing up my sister is that she created a fantasy … She lived in a fantasy, and she died in a fantasy.”

It makes sense that people who do not like themselves pretend to be someone else. Especially pretending to be someone who is supposedly more oppressed. It can be a good career move, too. Ask Elizabeth Warren and Rachel Dolezal.

Sacheen Cruz spent 50 years wallowing in someone else’s victimhood, and the Academy eventually rewarded her for it. Pathetic. 

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