Red state

Public Employees Leaving Their Unions in Record Numbers – RedState

This June marked the fifth anniversary of a landmark U.S. Supreme Court ruling recognizing that taxpayer-compensated employees cannot be forced to financially support a union as a condition of employment. 

In those five years, unions and lower courts have responded by trying their best to ignore or violate that ruling, Janus v. American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), in order to continue taking money out of government employees’ paychecks and using it to advance their far-left political agenda.

First, unions began adopting a so-called “escape window” policy stating that the union will process a worker’s request to exercise his or her First Amendment rights of free speech and association during an arbitrary, union-established period of days or weeks every year.

Under the scheme, union representatives simply ignore employees’ attempts to…

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