Red state

Public School District Seeks Superintendent ‘Unwaveringly’ Opposed to Whiteness – RedState

What’s the role of a school superintendent? Judging by a recent job posting, responsibilities are in flux. 

Minnesota’s St. Louis Park Public Schools [SLPS] district has placed a new entry onto its job board. The system seeks an assistant superintendent who’s woke and will whack white supremacy. 



As a member of the Superintendent’s leadership team, the Assistant Superintendent proactively supports the Superintendent to create and communicate antiracist structures and systems, works to interrupt systems of oppression, and serves as a role model for culturally relevant pedagogy. 

RELATED: Princeton Wants to Axe Tenured Professor Who Dared to Speak out Over School’s ‘Anti-Racism’ Policies

For those unfamiliar, “antiracism” pits white assailants against tanner victims. UCLA Law Professor Kimberlé Crenshaw has described it…

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