Red state

Putin’s War, Week 119. – RedState

Welcome to my review of Week 119 of Putin’s War in Ukraine and Day 10 since NATO blew through another of Putin’s red lines that the Foreign Policy SmartSet ™.promised us would result in World War III.

My apologies for the late update, for here we are halfway into Week 120. I have to admit that I never imagined I’d be doing this still and that some of the excitement has gone out of the project. Between trying to write on other subjects and having a life, time to write the updates has become scarce.

The big story of the week was Russia doing nothing in response to the US, France, and even Germany allowing Ukraine to use weapons made by those countries against targets in Russia. I don’t know how many of Putin’s “red lines” we’ve ignored, but what we don’t seem to have done is to learn anything from them. The sequence of events never fails. The West announces a policy to help Ukraine…

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