Hot Air

Racial Chemistry is Apparently Now a Thing in College – HotAir

If you read the title of this article and found yourself scratching your head and wondering what “racial chemistry” might be, don’t worry. You’re not alone. It makes about as much sense as “beef-based veganism.” (And even that’s closer to reality because people have been making “vegan beef” out of plants for a while now.) But it turns out that there is a professor at Rice University who is teaching a science class called “Afrochemistry.” As you might guess from the name, this is a chemistry class supposedly dealing with real chemistry, but specializing in how chemistry can be applied to understanding “Black life.” The indispensable Vodkapundit, Stephen Greene, explains at PJ Media.

Did you know that chemistry changes with skin color?

I don’t mean the amount of or type of melanin a person might have in their skin, determining how dark- or light-skinned…

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