Red state

Rahm Emanuel Actually Has a Good Answer for Bill Maher on Why Dems Lose – RedState

Remember when both political parties weren’t all that far from the center?

As recently as the Reagan years, most of the Democratic Party was liberal, but they weren’t literally bat-guano crazy. I remember Democrats like New York’s Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan; he was a liberal, but he wasn’t crazy, and while I seldom agreed with him, he was intelligent and drew a certain amount of respect.

Most Democrats of that stripe have been kicked to the curb by the Democrat Party in favor of the “Squad” and looney-tunes progressives. “Woke” for the last few election cycles, outside of the major Democrat-controlled cities, has become a synonym for “losing elections.”

Then, there’s Chicago, where the electorate replaced the walking disaster, Mayor Lightfoot, with an even bigger disaster, Mayor Brandon Johnson. For the Clinton administration creature and former Chicago…

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