Red state

Rand Paul Eviscerates Tony Fauci, ‘For His Dishonesty, Frankly, He Should Go to Prison’ – RedState

Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) is certainly no fan of Dr. Tony Fauci, the former head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and the face of the government’s COVID response for most of the pandemic. The two repeatedly clashed in Senate hearings over mask-wearing, lockdowns, and whether the U.S. funded virus “gain-of-function” research — a charge Fauci adamantly denied.

See: Rand Paul: Email Shows Fauci Senate Testimony ‘Absolutely a Lie,’ Files Criminal Referral

Fauci appeared in early January before the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic to deliver closed-door testimony, revealing that he did not “follow the science” and was, in fact, sometimes just making things up on the fly.

See: Fauci Admits Social Distancing Wasn’t Scientific and the Wuhan Lab Leak Wasn’t a Conspiracy Theory

Just because the good doctor has retired doesn’t…

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