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RealClearPolitics Finally Responds to NYTs Hit Piece, and It’s a Beatdown – RedState

Proving that it’s never too late to counter the falsehoods of the mainstream press, RealClearPolitics has finally responded to a three-year-old hit piece from The New York Times, and it’s a beatdown. 

For those unacquainted with RealClearPolitics (RCP), the site primarily centers on aggregating poll results to produce averages that help put outliers into context. It also does some original reporting and provides links to other news sites of all ideological backgrounds, from the aforementioned Times to RedState. 

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When the hit piece first dropped in 2020, a decision was made to ignore it. That decision has been reversed, and Carl Cannon, the top newsman at RCP, delivered a deep dive into how flawed the Times’ reporting truly was. 

The sleight-of-hand was right there in the headline. The New York Times simply declared that RCP…

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