Hot Air

Rebids on NJ Wind Projects Could Cost Ratepayers, Oh, Like…BILLIONS MORE – HotAir

I thought I’d just throw this out here in case anyone was thinking of moving out of New Jersey.

Sooner might be better than later if your verminous governor and his wind industry cronies have their way.

Just because when you agree contractually to pay a price for something and schmaybe prices change, but then you can’t change what you agreed to pay because of “contract,” that doesn’t mean it works like that for everyone.

Particularly if you’re in the offshore wind industry. What’s on a piece of paper you sign with the cities, counties, utilities, and state you’re dealing with doesn’t matter for beans. Wind developers can pack up and go home when things become financially fugly for them, and that’s exactly what they’ve been doing in many instances. Often they pull out of projects when their threats to public utility boards go unheeded, and pressure from desperate Green grift enablers…

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