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Reforming Prosecution Strategies to Make DC Safe

It’s time to make Washington, D.C., safe again. Washington is one of the most dangerous capital cities in the civilized world. Tourists, diplomats, members of Congress and their staffs, and residents—especially in minority neighborhoods—have all been victims of crime. 

If Washington, D.C., was a state, it would have the highest per capita homicide rate of any state in the United States.

It’s a disgrace. 

The United States of America should have one of the safest capitals, if not the safest, among Western democracies. But we don’t.

Residents of the city have become anesthetized to the violence. The Washington Post barely covers crime. Local media cover the constant drumbeat of armed carjackings and murders with less zeal than the weather and traffic.   

In a city that had over 25 million tourists last year from all around the world and received…

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