News Busters

Reid Gets Triggered By D.C.’s Reagan And Dulles Airport Names

MSNBC’s Joy Reid and The ReidOut’s assembled panel reacted on Friday to the efforts by some Republicans to name D.C.’s Dulles International Airport after Donald Trump and Democrats’ response of trying to name a federal prison after him by getting triggered at the eponyms currently on D.C.’s two airports: John Foster Dulles and Ronald Reagan. Reid even admitted that she refuses to call Reagan National by its name.

Reid opined, “Let’s talk a little about this idea of renaming Dulles. Now, Dulles is not the best airport, it might be the worst airport in America. The Republicans are like, ‘let’s name it after Donald Trump.’ I love the fact that it’s named after one of the most diabolical secretaries of State who destroyed Iran and a bunch of Central America.”



Ali Veshi chimed in to add, “But, let’s make that worse.”

Echoing the…

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