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Report Calls Program a Gift to China

DAILY CALLER NEWS FOUNDATION—The Biden-Harris administration’s $5 billion Clean School Bus Program uses up to four times more taxpayer dollars per school bus, and it benefits the Chinese Communist Party, a House report has revealed.

The 51-page report from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce found promoting electric school buses and other electric vehicles (EVs) enriches the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) as the EV supply chain is roughly 90% dependent on China, raising both national security and human rights concerns.

The Sept. 17 report also highlighted immense expenses for taxpayers, with the average electric school bus under the first iteration of the Clean School Bus Program—the first of three iterations—costing $381,191, or $200,000 to $300,000 more than a typical full-sized diesel school bus.

“It is clear the $5 billion Clean School Bus…

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