Republicans in Congress have continued to call for the repeal of the FACE Act after six pro-lifers face over a decade in prison after being convicted of FACE Act-related charges in federal court in Nashville.
The lawmakers have said in recent days that the FACE Act, a Clinton-era law that criminalizes the use of force or threats of force that prevent someone from accessing an abortion facility, has been weaponized against pro-life activists. The six pro-lifers convicted on Tuesday face hundreds of thousands of dollars in fines and up to 10.5 years in prison after the Biden administration accused them of conspiring against rights secured by the FACE Act.
On Friday, Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) urged his colleagues in the House to take up a bill he introduced last year that would repeal the FACE Act.
“We must end this weaponized law NOW. [House Republicans] should take up Rep. Roy’s FACE…